Giving Back…

June 16, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

So…I’ve decided to give this whole “blogging” thing a go. Since being asked to be a part of both the Light Inspired AND Inspire Me, Inspired Be teams, I’ve had to shove my fear of writing to the side. Why not jump on board and start doing it for myself, right?! Right.

What better way to start off, than with something that not only makes my heart smile, but that will hopefully make someone else’s day, as well.

Here’s where the fun comes in!

Giving Back 2016

I’d like to offer a FREE portrait session to ONE local, deserving family. In the past year, my life, and the life of my entire family, has been turned upside down. Most of you know this…some of you may not. When my 10 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia last year, ALL of my friend, clients, and fans rallied around myself and my family. The out pouring of love and support was beyond words. I wish there was a way that I could repay everyone for all their kindness…but I wouldn’t even begin to know where to start. But for those of you who’ve been with me, through it all, I thank you. Over and over again. Thank you.

I took many photos over the past year. Most of them were Paige in different stages of her treatment. They may not be easy memories, but they are memories just the same. And though tough to look at now, my little girl will ALWAYS have a reminder of how strong she is to look back on. She will also see all the people who love her by her side in her weakest moments. The power of the photo is real, my friends.


So…getting back to this whole “giving back” thing. I would like YOU to nominate someone (again, let’s keep this local, please) whom you feel is a deserving of a free portrait session. A family who you know who may not be able to afford professional photos, but would love to have them. A family or child who is struggling with illness, or a teenager who could use a self esteem boast. There is NO judgement here what so ever. The whole goal is to bring a little light to someones life. Yes, photos are that powerful.

I will be accepting nominations from today (6/16/16) until 11:59pm, Thursday, June 30th.

I will announce the winner on Sunday, July 3rd.

Please send all emails to: [email protected], with I NOMINATE in the subject line.


Please be sure to SHARE this with all of your friends and family! I would love to see TONS of emails flooding in. I know I would be lost without the captured memories and moments of those that I love. I can’t wait to give the gift of “forever” to someone else.




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